Mobile Iinternet access over satellite for Recreation

Internet - Nevada - iNetVu in Action on HWY 15:
RV Satellite Internet
"We were on highway 15
going north out of Las Vegas, Nevada when the highway was shut down
for about 4 hours, because of a truck turn over with a hazmat load.
So I put up my RV Satellite Internet - iNetVu and was surfing the net and allowing motorists
to use the system to e-mail their families. What a great
Satellite Internet - Arizona: |
The iNetVu is a unique mobile
satellite internet connection because if your computer is on,
and the dish it up, you are online. Whether your RV is in a
campground, or the middle of nowhere due to a civil
emergency, you are always on-line. There are no
idle disconnects like you can get with a dial-up connection,
and you never pay a per minute charge. It's
"Always-On". Static IP's are available at no extra charge
for those that require this option, as well as the ability to
connect multiple computers to your network.
- Mobile Satellite - England: |
HighSpeedSat can provide you,
your RV or your Government agency with the iNetVu mobile satellite
internet antenna. The iNetVu is the first affordable
solution to meet the needs of Government, Business, and RVer's that
want, and need, to stay in touch when on the move. The iNetVu mobile
satellite internet antenna is fully automatic, this antenna
will keep you in touch with mobile internet access
24 hours a day and 7 days a week when other forms of communication
are unavailable or just too slow.
The world of technology seems to move at the speed of light, and there is no indication it will ever slow to a reasonable pace. In less than two years the average person has had to contend with e-mail, voicemail, and Hotmail; most own a cell phone, home phone, car phone - and it is hard to even think about living without them. With the amount of new technologies being unleashed on consumers today, it is getting difficult to figure out what is useful, and what is not. Welcome to the age of information overload. If you don't know your ISP from your POP, or your AOL from your AIM, you are not alone. Confusing or not, Internet access is quickly becoming a necessity rather than a novelty. The Internet offers a wealth of useful information and research opportunities for us, and the time and money saved by using the Internet for such tasks, such as staying in touch with people or banking, is incredible. Why wait on hold for the "next available representative" when you can point, click, and get the information you want right away.
RV owners everywhere are flocking to
the web as an easy way to maintain contact with family, friends, and
finances. Technology has made it possible to send mail, conduct
business, plan trips, gather information, and perform a host of
other useful RV activities. Armed with a few pieces of knowledge,
RVers can perfectly blend their lifestyle with RV Satellite Internet
As wonderful as this may sound, the RVing lifestyle makes convenient Internet access something of a challenge. iNetVu direct RV satellite Internet is the "Cadillac" of all Internet access. A direct satellite link is the equivalent of having the Internet beamed to your RV by satellite, allowing you to access the web from almost anywhere. iNetVu systems combine your Direct TV with a Direct PC are also catching on, allowing you to receive your TV and Internet signals with the same dish. Direct Satellite Internet becomes the preferred method of Internet access for RVers nationwide.
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