Internet Caledon
Southwestern Ontario
Don't worry - if DSL and Cable still aren't in your area, there are more options available to you for getting a broadband connection to your home or office.
Satellite Internet - If DSL or cable services are unavailable, you can still get a fast connection to the web from various Satellite providers.
Wireless Internet - Now you can get connected to the Net while away from your home or office through cutting-edge Wireless connections.
Dialup Connections - With competition from DSL & cable service providers on the rise, some ISPs are offering a new, faster Dialup access.
If the difference between they types of ISPs and the kinds of Internet access they offer is a new topic to you, then read our ISP Comparison to learn more about the basic service features involved with the faster forms of connection to the Internet.

The latest DW6000
is for ERG Music in
. This install was a tricky one, utilizing the existing 12 foot C
Band dish pole and adapting it with a reducing fitting to mount the
0.74m Direcway dish.
The client was tickled pink with the performance of the two way
satellite system.

distinctively separates Broadband Ontario Inc. from the others is the fact that they
pre-test all satellite systems first before they issue a truck roll to
install the system at a clients facility.
The procedure is as follows, after a complete assembly of the
Outdoor dish, transmitter and LNB, they configure the indoor
equipment and put it through the BBO torture test 2-24 hours of high
speed two way data abuse.
This way they can be 99% assured that the equipment works and
is ready for installation.
This process takes 2.5 hours minimum and is done at NO extra
cost to client.

Time is money! And using faster Internet access will save you more than enough of your time to justify its cost. However, there are still many pitfalls & problems to avoid when choosing between different hispeed Internet access and the different types of connections currently available.
And that is the purpose of our free guide - to educate consumers and businesses regarding the different aspects of faster web connections and to help them locate fast, reliable service providers in their area.