Satellite Internet Connectivity in Luanda - Agola (Africa)
ABB Angola have ordered one Panamsat PAS10 satellite based HughesNet 6000 system with a 120cm antenna for its local office in Luanda/ Angola. After some time, that took to get the system in the country, ABB brought the system online themselves with their own staff. Another proof how easy it is to get connected in un-connected areas of this world. It is obvious that our shared capacity solutions are the perfect choice for connecting small offices or project teams in the middle of nowhere. Whereas dedicated capacity solutions remain the domain of larger offices with 50+ PCs, mobility and defragmentation of resources have led into situations where small and flexible network solutions have started to roll up the market. With the our solutions, even corporate VPN access by internet is possible.
Positioning and installing a V-SAT antenna has become very popular in Africa. Many companies offer their service for that. For the experts in satellite industry: have a look at these ancient "SATLOOK" digital spectrum analyzers! It is unbelievable where these great Swedish products are used.
With the appropriate equipment it is quite easy to bring the TT-6100 system online and to calibrate the antenna. PAS 10 offers signal strength of 97dB in Angola and this is excellent receivable with a 120 cm dish size. 2- way satellite solutions are the premium choice to connect people in communication deserts. Beside Voice over IP and Internet, our solutions help corporate customers to keep up communication to their employees, even if they work in small project teams somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
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