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eXplorist 200 - Magellan GPS

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magellan explorist 200 gps device

Magellan eXplorist200 - includes new Magellan TrueFix technology, which incorporates a 14-parallel-channel, WAAS/EGNOS-enabled GPS receiver to provide position fixes within three meters and ensure reliability and accuracy in satellite signal acquisition and tracking. zoom in 9500 satellite phone

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Magellan® eXplorist™ 200 with built-in maps of North America or Europe make it easy to navigate major roads and highways. Map detail includes parks, waterways, city centers, airports and other major points of interest. Save up to 5 track log files, 500 points of interest and 20 routes to the additional 8 MB of available memory.

Intelligently designed for comfortable right or left handed use, the clearly marked keypad provides one-touch access to all your most important features. Joystick controller makes scrolling the simple menus fun and easy. The large backlit display is easy-to-read day or night. Customizable navigation screens show your location, speed, direction, and distance to destination and more, just the way you want it. Put easy-to-use, powerful and affordable GPS in your pocket.

Magellan explorist 200
on a bike Magellan explorist 200 on bike

Meeting your more advanced navigational needs, eXplorist 200 features TrueFix technology, an 8 MB built-in background map plus the ability to save up to 5 track log files, 500 points of interest and 20 routes. The built-in map includes roads, parks, waterways and more, to help you find your way. Put the power of easy-to-use and affordable GPS in your pocket.

Designed for compact, fit-in-your-pocket convenience, the eXplorist receiver measures just 4.6 by 2.1 by 1.3 inches (11.7 by 5.4 by 3.3 centimeters) and weighs less than four ounces (115 grams), yet still has room for a large, 2.3-inch (5.8 centimeter), four-level grayscale LCD. Plus, with the zoom capability and an amber backlight, this device guarantees optimum viewing, even at night. The unit's rugged exterior is cased in a rubber-armored, impact-resistant shell that is waterproof to the rigid IPX-7 standard. The eXplorist 200 is ready for adventure in all conditions and terrain, whether you'll be hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, mountain biking, or simply finding your way around a new area.

Magellan Satellite GPS

There's a lot to Magellan's small, cool eXplorist 200 handheld GPS navigation device beyond its vibrant yellow exterior. Inside and out, the eXplorist is built to provide real GPS (global positioning system) abilities for serious outdoor use--from its tough, impact-resistant, waterproof exterior to Magellan's proven, powerful, and easy-to-use technology. The eXplorist 200 rewrites the rules by proving you can spend less and actually get more.

Magellan eXplorist 200
GPS Beginner Set zoom in 9500 pelican case

The eXplorist 200 includes all-new Magellan TrueFix technology with a 14-parallel-channel, WAAS/EGNOS-enabled GPS receiver to provide precise position fixes within three meters while ensuring reliable, accurate satellite-signal acquisition and tracking. Small, lightweight, and easy-to-use, anyone can pick it up and get going without studying a manual. Among its many features, the eXplorist 200 offers three navigation screens with track plotting to help you find the fun--and then find your way back.

Outdoors enthusiasts will appreciate Magellan's one-button access, which takes you directly to the functions that matter most: the menu, navigation screens, personal points-of-interest, "go to" routing, and backlighting. In addition, the eXplorist 200 stores up to 500 waypoints, 20 routes, and five track logs with up to 2,000 points each, providing ample storage even for avid navigators. The unit also supplies a built-in North American background map, which offers convenient access to roads, parks, waterways, airports, and more.

The trackback feature works well. The menu buttons are easily pushed, which cause a problem with accidentally pushing them unknowingly. Of course, it is an older device, and Magellan has upgraded since the 200.

It runs off of two AA batteries, and gets up to 18 hours of continuous use. It also has language capabilities to support 10 different languages. It is a good, inexpensive, low-end GPS device. If you need just navigation, and not all the bells and whistles that come with the more expensive units, or if you mostly need an outdoor device, then Magellan's Explorist 200 may be just what you've been looking for. All in all, for outdoor use, Magellan had topped the charts with their products. You can find more expensive Magellan devices, but if you just need something simple, and inexpensive, then the 200 may be for you.

GPS eXplorist Specification

Table: Magellan eXplorist 200 tech specs
Technical Specifications
Case: Rubber armored impact-resistant plastic, water-resistant seal
Base Map: 8 MB Worldwide- Includes cities, highways, waterways, parks, & airports
Size: 2.2" W x 4.7" H x 1.3" D (W 5.6 cm x H 11.9 cm x D 3.3 cm)
Weight: 5.8 oz (164.4 g) - w/ batteries
Display: 2.25" diagonal, 4-level grayscale, high resolution (122 x 160), backlit
Memory: 8 MB user data
Data Storage: None
Antenna: Built-in multidirectional patch
Keypad: Nine direct-access keys
Joystick: Eight-way easy scrolling w/ push-in instant enter
Operating Range: 14 to 140°F (-10 to 60°C)
Receiver: TrueFixTM 14 channels, WAAS/EGNOS
Acquisition Time: Hot: 20 seconds, Cold: 60 seconds, Initial: 2 minutes
Update Rate: Once per second
Accuracy: 3 to 5 meters (10 - 16 feet) - WAAS/EGNOS, < 7 meters (15 feet) - GPS only
Velocity: 0.1 knots (RMS)
Dynamics: 6 g
Grids: 75 including Lat/Lon, UTM, OSGB,MGRS, Finnish, German, Swedish, French, Irish, Swiss, USNG, 1 User Grid (76 Max)
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Dutch, Norwegian
Source: Two AA batteries
Battery Life: Up to 18 hours continuous use

More Magellan GPS related links:

Magellan Products - Auto, handhelds, fitness, portable gps devices and accessories.
How GPS works? - A lot of details about GPS system.
GPS satellites - NAVSTAR, satellite constellation, USCG Navigation Center and more!
GPS Blog - Comment the latest news and info from gps arena
GPS Satellite Forum - Raise a topic with other GPS enthusiasts about products, software, applications or adventures.

Magellan eXplorist 200 Unit Documentation and Manuals

Click onthe thumbnail to download
Explorist Magelan 200 GPS
Data Sheet

(PDF, 2,658K)

magellan explorist 200 handheld gps
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