Alpe d'Huez
HQ Internet Cafe - Val D'Isere: |
Bidirectionnelles d'Internet par satellite
Après cinq ans de présence en France, l'Internet par satellite n'en est encore aujourd'hui qu'à son tout début. Les offres bi-directionnelles donnent l'occasion pour les entreprises implantées en province et ne disposant pas de l'ADSL, de profiter du haut débit sans payer le coût d'une ligne spécifique. En attendant la venue du Wimax, technologie de réseau sans fil longue portée, le satellite a le champ libre pour s'imposer. La nouvelle loi sur l'économie numérique (LEN) pourrait également lui donner un coup de pouce, en donnant aux municipalités la possibilité de jouer le rôle d'opérateur, ce qui les laissent libres d'adopter de nouvelles technologies dont le satellite.

HighSpeedSat les offres proposées dans notre comparatif, les services varient d'un revendeur à l'autre, les plus fréquent étant : des antivirus, des firewalls, des noms de domaines et l'ajout d'IP fixes. De façon plus marginale, certaines entreprises proposent de monter des réseaux VPN ou des solutions contre les intempéries.

DiRECWAY service is an excellent connectivity option for Cybercafes. Our UK partner has developed a turnkey Internet Access system for customer Internet services in any location, with or without the infrastructure for a broadband connection. This makes the system ideal for hotels, sports centers, cafes, restaurants, casinos, gaming rooms and any facility with a requirement for the provision of Internet access, as well as new Internet Café's.

Our coverage
area by satellite extends from Canada, USA
to Mexico and Caribbean, and from Greenland to Kabul, the entire
Middle East, EEC, Eastern Block and North Africa. Chose
our solution and become the number 1 Cyber-café in your town!
au Ministère de la Science et des NouvellesTechnologies |

Présentation de la solution
Hexasky à la ministre déléguée à la recherche et aux
nouvelles technologies Mme Claudie Haigneré dans les locaux du
Après l'installation de l'antenne sur la terrasse du ministère,
un petit moment de détente avant la démo.
La pose pour la postérité du Directeur Technique C Prevotaux
devant le matériel en ordre de marche.
Toute la satisfaction du Technicien HUGHES après une démonstration
Marmottes - Alpe d'Huez: |

It is essential
for a busy international alpine resort, able to accommodate up to
32,000 tourists and open throughout the year, to have access
to cutting edge communications. They are thrilled to be able to
offer broadband access to both residents and visitors and to build a
reputation for trailblazing innovative new technologies as well as
sport. The broadband Internet access has been installed at three
sites in Alpe d'Huez, at an altitude of 1,800 metres using
D-STAR service. All three sites were connected to Wi-Fi hot spots
which were set up by France Telecom in order to demonstrate the full
capabilities of secure wireless access. Six PCs were installed in
the Alpe d'Huez Tourist Office, 'Le Sporting' restaurant and the ski
resort's Internet café. The Internet connection installed in the
tourist office offers broadband services to visitors and
holidaymakers through their laptops and PDAs.
We demonstrated the value of satellite's for bringing broadband to
alpine resorts not served by ADSL in February with a D-STAR terminal
installed in Alpe d'Huez at 'Les Marmottes' restaurant at an
altitude of 2,400 metres. This installation illustrates how
satellites are the only way to provide a concrete solution to the
digital divide in isolated regions. Satellites can offer universal
access to broadband and high-performance service conditions
irrespective of geographic location and population density. For the
pleasure of holidaymakers in the French Alpine ski resort of
Alpe-d'Huez, satellite Internet access system has been set up for
Web Café at 7,800 feet in a location beyond reach of any high-speed
terrestrial network.
Using D-Star broadband service, the system is providing skiers who
stop at at the Marmottes restaurant above Alpe d'Huez with an
interactive satellite broadband connection through three PCs. A
high-quality video telephone is also connected to the D-Star
terminal for satellite video-conferencing from the Web Café.
Holidaymakers can benefit from high-speed Internet access, check
their e-mail, follow breaking news and surf the web throughout the
winter sports season.