Internet Mexico
Satellite Internet Mexico:
Satellite connection for internet cafés
and business in Mexico and Central America

Internet vía Satélite
El hecho de que no exista el servicio DSL o cable-modem en tu
localidad no significa que las conexiones de alta velocidad estén
fuera de tu alcance. Con Internet vía Satélite, el cielo es tu
límite. Literalmente. Si tienes una PC y una vista limpia y sin
obstrucciones al sur del cielo, puedes tener una conexión a
Internet de alta velocidad.
Satellite Internet Mexico - Price:
2-Way Satellite systems in Canada and the US are around $650 US
including installation with a basic monthly fee of around $69 US.
Systems in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean are higher in
cost -- usually around $2000 US after shipping, duties, license, and
installation. Residential customers outside of Canada and the US
will receive the Business Edition of Direcway which is faster, has
higher download limits, and usually points to a different satellite
than North American residential clients. The Basic Business Edition
costs $99 US per month.
Do I need a license?
According to Industry Canada, FCC, and most other countries, you do
require some type of license since you are operating a 2-way
microwave radio antenna. The license usually costs around $50-100US
a year. Some countries, like Belize, require a telecommunications
license before allowing you to pass your dish through Customs.
How easy is it to import a 2-way Satellite system into Mexico?
Most Central American countries like Mexico, Belize, and Honduras
have restrictions on importing satellite internet. Since most US
companies are not authorized by Hughes to sell the service outside
the US, many countries require that you buy your dish from their
list of authorized suppliers -- or they won't let them in through
Customs. License fees and import duty is required. It is sometimes
possible to 'sneak' them through Customs and avoid those costs, but
they will not think twice about seizing the dish if they catch you
-- or even think they have caught you. There is significant
corruption and incompetence in governments 'south of the border' and
even while trying to do everything by the book, there always seem to
be unexpected obstacles in the way. We are authorized to sell the
Direcway Business Edition throughout Central America and we are
authorized by Hughes to sell and install Direcway in Central
America, the Caribbean, Canada, and the States.
Internet solution for Mexico:
Telecommunications is
a key strategic resource for Mexico as it aggressively seeks to
improve the business climate for rapidly-privatizing organizations,
streamline operations at government agencies, and speed the
distribution of services such as education and healthcare throughout
its population.
Satellite transmission
is insensitive to distance, terrain, and numbers of geographically
dispersed locations, making it a valuable communications technology
for use in Mexico. HNS designed its TES Quantum family of
meshed telephony products to offer cost-effective, satellite
communications for voice and enhanced data services, including:
- High-speed
digital telephony services for both public and private
- Single-user access to
satellite-based telephone service
- Intelsat/Eutelsat-compatible
gateway connections for international circuits
- The product's
architecture was Intelsat's choice for the thin-route
DAMA (demand assigned multiple access) standard
for its signatory countries and non-signatory users.
HNS Broadband Wireless
HNS' AIReach®
broadband networks give telecommunications carriers a powerful
platform for offering their customers
fiber-quality, "last kilometer" wireless solutions. These
highly efficient networks extend voice, video,
data, multimedia, and Internet services via point-to-multipoint
radio airlinks from the fiber drop point
of switching center to small and medium-sized businesses needing
cost-effective, high-bandwidth applications.
For the carrier, benefits include increased speed of system
implementation, reduced capital and operating
expenditures, increased revenue opportunities, and protection of
spectrum investment.
HNS' Commitment to
"Hecho en Mexico."
HNS has been committed
to the success of Mexico and the surrounding region since 1987. HNS
is Mexico's VSAT market leader
with a total of 3500 VSATs and 16 satellite hubs installed to date.
HNS commitment also includes a
manufacturing plant in Tijuana, employing more than 1,000 Mexican nationals. Employees there build
DIRECTV® set-top units as well as DIRECWAY units for Internet
access currently being
introduced throughout Mexico.
Advanced Applications
for Government and Industry.
HNS networks are used
today to support advanced communications in a variety of industries
and applications:
Banking - money transfer, ATM transactions
Energy - oil and gas pipeline monitoring, retail gasoline
Automotive - dealer communications, parts inventory and
repair records, retail sales, large
file transfer, distance training
Corporate and government services - emergency
communications, data transfer
Education and training - distance learning for educational
institutions, industrial training
Medical Services - medical image transfer, virtual
For more information about
Hughes Network Systems' solutions in Mexico please click here:
Internet Telecommunications Solutions for Mexico
Also, visit Mexico Satellite Internet Forum, to discus different options how to access the internet via satellite dsl in Caribbean and Middle America service.