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Mobile Satellite Internet for Bookmobile

We provide turn-key, high speed Internet solutions for the bookmobiles. That means that you can have high speed Internet connection based on Hughes Networks satellite installed and configured for all your -bookmobile patrons and staff. iNetVu installs easily on to the roof of a Bookmobile and provides full time access to the Internet virtually anywhere in North America via an advanced 2-way high speed satellite connection. iNetVu eliminates the need for land-line hook ups, expensive and slow cellular phones and other wireless service.
Virtually anywhere the --bookmobile stops - as long as there's a clear view of the
southern sky, you can access to the Internet. It used to be that only people that had access to city
libraries could enjoy an access to computer technology and the information resources of the Internet or advanced services such as book reservations, searching by titles, subjects, authors or even ISSN numbers. iNetVu has changed all that! It's now possible for public mobile library services to offer the same convenient services to their rural users!
We can provide a number of different pre-tested solutions that will allow simple
secure access to a Local Government IT Data Centers or LAN's.
With our secure access, you can access file servers, e-mail, Intranet just as
though you were at the main downtown library!
With iNetVu system you will be able to:
*provide the access to computer technology and
information resources to your patrons
*deliver a complete set of electronic media including
mobile access to the Internet
*provide training to use computers to those who live in
areas where direct access to a full service public library is difficult.
Combine iNetVu's mobile Internet service with a secure access, and you can:
*have on-line book reservation services
*process on the spot library membership
*search library catalog databases for available books and subject materials
(searching by
titles, subjects, authors or even ISSN numbers) from the bookmobile

Charleston County Library Bookmobile Service
Charleston, South Caroline
Your adoption of satellite broadband is a perfect illustration of how the bookmobile library service can translate advanced satellite services into continually improving overall quality of patron care. We can assure the entire bookmobile service segment that iNetVu and DIRECWAY are best equipped to serve these important business needs now and well into the future.

Somerset County Library Bookmobile Service
Somerset, Pennsylvania
The Internet is not just a tool for the advantaged who may have a computer, educational opportunities, and a cultural
background which stresses computer literacy, or physically or mentally advantaged. There is justifiable concern that an
effort needs to be mounted so that no one is left behind as the Information Age begins to unfold. Access to computer
technology and the information resources of the Internet are vital, if all members of society are to share in the promise
of this new age.
Public libraries have long been leaders in bringing their resources to customers who for one reason or another were not
able to easily use the libraries collections. With the emergence of Internet-based electronic media, the Bookmobile concept is being broadened to deliver a complete set of paper and
electronic media, including mobile access to the Internet as well as training to use computers for information gathering
and report creation.
Libraries have known that in order for them to be a vibrant part of the information age, they must provide access for all of
their customers. The Cybermobile is one way a library can provide these badly needed services to those segments of the
population who have access limitations or who need them the most. A special intent of the Cybermobile is to address teaching
Internet, computer, and writing skills to disadvantaged segments of the population, including inter-city children,
the handicapped, the aged, and those who might be mentally or physically challenged. Many such individuals live in areas
where direct access to a full service public library is difficult. These groups are some of the most likely to be left
behind due to economic or social reasons. The library can reach out with this technology and offer assistance and services
to these groups as never before.
would be more than happy to get your bookmobile on-line at high speed with the service
level you deserve. If you have any questions or comments, or if you want our sales representative to contact you directly, please do
hesitate to contact us anytime. We are looking
forward to your response.
Enhance Library Services with the Cybermobile
iNetVuT connect your bookmobile to a world of information and useful
services today!
is a multi-purpose communications system that can provide:
An always-on, high
quality and high speed (400++ kbps) Internet
connection. No phone lines
or cell phones.
24 hours Internet connectivity at a fixed monthly rate. Highly reliable and secure
Automatic Pointing to the
DirecWay Satellite
iNetVu makes it possible to access the library catalog and the Internet no matter where the bookmobile is parked.

You can access the Internet easily with the press of one button.

Your dish is fully automated and requires no manual intervention.
It will go from a stowed
position on your vehicle's roof to fully extended and online with an unlimited connection
in minutes!
Does one of these features match your
bookmobile service needs? Or would you like to obtain technical specifications or additional
information on iNetVuT? Then please contact
us and we will be pleased to assist you.

used to be that only people that had access to city libraries could
enjoy advanced services such as book reservations, Internet services
or searching by titles, subjects, authors or even ISSN numbers.
iNetVu has changed all that! It's now possible for public mobile
library services to offer the same convenient services to their
rural users.
iNetVu installs easily on to the roof of a Bookmobile and provides full time access to the Internet virtually anywhere in North America, Europe, Middle East and Australia via an advanced 2-way high speed satellite connection. iNetVu eliminates the need for land-line hook ups, expensive and slow cellular phones Internet access and other wireless service. Virtually anywhere the bookmobile stops - as long as there's a clear view of the southern sky, you can access to the Internet.
we can provide a number of different pre-tested solutions that will allow simple secure access to a Local Government IT Data Centers or LAN's. With we's secure access, you can access file servers, e-mail, Intranet just as though you were at the main downtown library!
Combine iNetVu's mobile DIRECWAY Internet service with a secure access, and
you can:
- book reservation services
- process on the spot library membership
- search catalog databases for available books
and subject materials
With iNetvu High-Speed Internet access your librarians are able to do their jobs better. For the first time they will have access to your library network and web-based circulation database from the bookmobile itself. iNetVu - DiRECWAY wireless technology has been a dream of the library staff for some time. The fact that such a powerful resource as the Internet is available when needed points to a new dimension in mobile service delivery not even imagined several years ago. It is, however, the dimension of progress that the mobile service needs to pursue if it is to remain a potent force in the education and cultural advancement of those shire residents it serves.

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